Transparency in public procurements is essential for keeping the public institutions credibility

Transparency International Romania requests the institutions of the central and local public administration to publicly disclose the information regarding the procurements made during the state of emergency, also asks the competent authorities to verify the legality of the contracts signed in the last two months.

Având în vedere că atât pe plan intern cât și pe plan internațional sunt numeroase semne de întrebare şi suspiciuni cu privire la modul în care au fost acordate diverse contracte din fonduri publice sub pretextul stării de urgenţă, Transparency International România solicită administrației centrale și locale să facă publice toate informațiile privind achizițiile efectuate în ultimele două luni, cu respectarea legislației în vigoare.

Transparency International Romania calls for responsibility and transparency in time of crisis

According to the public announcement made by the President of Romania, the state of emergency is to be declared based on the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance (GEO) no. 1/1999 approved by Law no. 453/2004, as amended and supplemented by Law no. 164/2019, in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic crisis. In this context, we remind that there would have been possible an intermediate phase: the measure of declaring the state of alert, proposed initially by the technical-scientific support group, but version was ignored by the National Council for Special Emergency Situations.


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