1. General information on the project

Project title: The increase of coverage and registration of real estate in Romania’s rural areas on the Integrated Cadastre and Land Register System

Source of funding: The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) 2014-2020, Priority axis 11: Geographical expansion of the system of properties registration in the Cadastre and Land Register

Beneficiary: National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration

Budget: 312.891.115 €

Indicators: In order  to increase the level of properties registration  and correlative real rights in The Integrated system of Cadastre and Land Register, until 2020 (2023) it is provided the realization of systematic registration for about 5.756.387 mil. hectares of 793 territorial administrative units/localities (UAT) located in rural areas.

Implementation period: estimated 2018-2023


2. Objectives and activities planned

The actions that will be implemented within the project are:

  • Systematic registration of real estate in selected rural areas by making systematic registration services and digital conversion of existing analog documents

  • Services for registration of real estate through consolidation capacity ANCPI and subordinate institutions: National Land Survey and Land Registration, National Cartography Centre
  • Preparation of the program, of the Management Strategy and of the related studies for managing of systematic registration, evaluation.
  • Training sessions for the project staff including contractors, municipalities, ANCPI, OCPI, CNC.

These actions will be implemented in three components:

  • Component 1: integration of existing data and expanding systematic registration in rural areas
  • Component 2: improving services for registration of properties
  • Component 3: management, strategy, tactics

The implementation of these three components will contribute to social and economic growth at the national level in accordance with national policies and those of the European Union by:

  • boosting investment in basic infrastructure in rural areas: transport, energy, environment, health and social infrastructure;
  • increase the level of accessing European funds for rural communities;
  • promote employment and support labor mobility from urban to rural areas;
  • narrow the gap between different areas  which are developed in terms of agriculture and other less favored regions;
  • increasing territorial social and economic cohesion, promoting the harmonious development by reducing disparities between the levels of development in rural and urban areas, promote the development of disadvantaged areas;
  • reduce difficulties in mountain areas, sparsely populated areas,whose geographical location slows development, to encourage their sustainable development;
  • promoting social inclusion and combating poverty


3. Estimated Results

The project is intended to complement The National Cadastre and Land Register aims, regulated by The Cadastre and Land Registration. Law no. 7/1996, republished with  subsequent amendments.

The major project aims to contribute to economic and social growth  in rural areas, to facilitate the infrastructure development and promote inclusion by extending the systematic registration process of rural properties from Romania.

National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration will benefit from The Integrated system of Cadastre and Land Register and from the creation of unifided and complet database of buildings in the selected areas. The beneficiaries of the intervation are the local public authorities and the rural areas’ citizens. Having the property registered, population will benefit from improved economic and social conditions.

In addition will be created optimal condition for preparing strategies, infrastructure programmes and plans, so that rural communes will be able to qualify for European Union Development Local Infrastructure Programmes (development of public utility system and road network, rehabilitation of public buildings), but also for Environment and Social Programmes. Also, will be create prerequisites for a secure and efficient financial market, which will have a positive impact on business development.

The intervention results also lead to create conditions for realization of strategies and programs for national and regional development, and also to facilitate the implementation of national investment projects in infrastructure and other areas (agriculture, environment, tourism and agro-tourism etc.).


4. Integrity Pact

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5. The implementation of activities and procurements

The project is under preparation and will be submitted to the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) 2014-2020 managing Authority in 2018.


6. Monitoring Reports

No monitoring reports have been drafted at the moment.