1. General information on the project

Project title: Integrated School Management System

Source of funding: The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Competitiveness Operational Programme

Beneficiary: Ministry of Educatio

Budget: 30.000.000 €

Implementation period: estimated 2018-2021


2. Objectives and activities planned

The main activities envisaged are:

  • launching and implementing the development and implementation services for the software solution/ITC infrastructure for the e-catalogue;

  • launching and implementing the project management and additional services/products procurement required for the project;
  • ensuring the interconnection between platform users;
  • training the staff that will be using the platform;
  • developing the digital content structure (based on the work breakdown structure of the types of users);
  • information and publicity activities (ensuring visibility and communication standards are applied);
  • audit activities for the project (final and/or intermediate, financial and/or technical).


  1. Estimated Results

The project will provide an informatics platform where educational details are available at a national level. For the society, the project will contribute to improving the quality of the educational act (subsidiary the project will promote the parent-school partnership).


4. Integrity Pact

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5. The implementation of activities and procurements

The project is under preparation and will be submitted to the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) 2014-2020 managing Authority in 2018.


2. Monitoring Reports

No monitoring reports have been drafted at the moment.