Integrity Pacts - civilian control mechanisms for safeguarding EU funds
Reduction of corruption risks in public procurement by implementing a mechanism of civilian control in the projects financed by European funds.
Implementation period
April 2016 - December 2021
Project partners
Proiectul “Pactele de Integritate – Mecanisme de control civil pentru salvgardarea fondurilor europene” este coordonat la nivelul Uniunii Europene de Secretariatul Transparency International şi se derulează în 11 state europene, prin intermediul următorilor parteneri - organizaţii neguvernamentale:
- Transparency International Romania in partnership with the Institute for Public Policy
- ActionAid International Italy Onlus (in partnership with Associazione Gruppo Abele Onlus and Monithon) in Italy
- Amapola - Progetti per la sicurezza delle persone e delle communities in Italy,
- Academic Society in Romania
- Stefan Batory Foundation in Poland
- Transparency International Bulgaria
- Transparency International Czech Republic
- Transparency International Greece
- Transparency International Hungary
- Transparency International Latvia
- Transparency International Lithuania
- Transparency International Portugal
- Transparency International Slovenia
General objectives
- Ensure transparency, integrity, responsibility and accountability in projects financed by EU structural and cohesion funds by implementing a pilot instrument - Integrity Pacts.
- Creating a mechanism for claiming social responsibility in large public contracts
- Learning lessons learned from the pilot project implementation with a view to future replications Integrity Pacts in similar projects.
General activities
- Prepare and Integrity Pacts signed the instrument of civilian control in public procurement carried out in EU funded projects.
- Establish monitoring strategy Monitoring bidding process
- Monitoring the implementation of agreements
- Dissemination and advocacy
- Innovation and lessons learned
European Commission Directorate General for Regional Policy and Urban