• Transparency International’s EU chapters and local partners - joint address to EU leaders

    Civil society groups from across the EU urge the European Council, Parliament and the Commission to prioritize anti-fraud and anti-corruption measures for the funds that will be disbursed through the next round of financing.

    The next seven-year European Union (EU) budget – the ‘MFF’ – and COVID-19 recovery funds are at risk of abuse unless open, data-driven and participatory oversight mechanisms to protect public contracts are put in place, said 27 civil society organizations in a joint address to EU leaders.

  • Chapterele Transparency International din UE și partenerii locali ai acestora – scrisoare deschisă către liderii Uniunii

    Reprezentanții societății civile îndeamnă Consiliul European, Parlamentul și Comisia Europeană să acorde prioritate măsurilor anti-fraudă și anti-corupție pentru fondurile care vor fi decontate în următoarea rundă de finanțare.

    Bugetul Uniunii Europene pentru următorii șapte ani și fondurile de recuperare post COVID-19 sunt expuse riscului de abuz, dacă nu sunt instituite mecanisme de supraveghere deschise și participative care pot proteja contractele publice, arată 27 de organizații ale societății civile,într-o scrisoare comună adresată liderilor UE.

    Semnatarii scrisorii cer liderilor Uniunii Europene să completeze planurile ambițioase de finanțare cu măsuri anti-corupție - menite să crească atât cantitatea cât și calitatea datelor privind contractele publice - precum și cu mecanisme de control participativ.


  • Integrity Pacts - a tool for preventing corruption in public contracting

    Each year, governments spend huge sums of money on public procurement – funding roads, bridges, schools, water and power supply, other community improvements… But with these vast expenditures, opportunities for corruption are rife.

    Integrity Pacts were developed as a tool for preventing corruption in public contracting.

    In 11 countries across the EU, Transparency International and the European Commission are piloting ‘Integrity Pacts’ – a collaborative approach to public procurement.

    Fifteen civil society organizations have been involved in the pilot Integrity Pacts project, including Transparency International Romania and Institutul pentru Politici Publice.

  • Pactele de Integritate ajută la prevenirea corupției în contractele publice

    În fiecare an sunt cheltuite sume uriașe pentru achiziții publice – finanțarea unor lucrări pentru drumuri publice, școli, alimentare cu apă și energie electrică sau alte investiții publice… O data cu astfel de cheltuieli vaste înfloresc și ocaziile pentru corupție.

    Pactele de Integritate au fost dezvoltate ca un instrument de prevenire a corupției în contractile publice.

    În 11 țări din Uniunea Europeană, Transparency International și Comisia Europeană derulează proiectul pilot “Pactele de Integritate” – o abordare colaborativă în achizițiile publice.

    În acest proiect sunt implicate 15 organizații ale societății civile, inclusiv Transparency International Romania și Institutul pentru Politici Publice.

  • Launching two monitoring reports through the Integrity Pacts’ project

    Transparency International Romania and the Institute for Public Policy will launch two monitoring reports elaborated through the project Integrity Pacts - Civil control mechanisms for safeguarding the EU funds - Phase 2, funded by the European Commission.

    The event will take place Wednesday, 4th of March, at Impact Hub Universitate, Tudor Arghezi street, from 14:00 to 16:00.

  • Integrity Pacts - monitoring reports

    Transparency International Romania and the Institute for Public Policy, implementing together the project Integrity Pacts - Civil control mechanisms for safeguarding the EU funds - Phase 2, launched Wednesday, 4th of March 2020, two monitoring reports. The project is funded by the European Commission.

    The event took place Wednesday, 4th of March 2020, and brought together many representatives from public institutions, NGOs and public procurement experts.

    The two reports have as main theme the way of carrying out the public procurements in the next projects:

  • The first independent monitoring report issued through the Integrity Pacts

    Transparency International Romania and the Institute for Public Policy launch today the first independent monitoring report resulted after signing the Integrity Pact with the National Agency for Cadaster and Real Estate Advertising (ANCPI).

    The report presents the results of the monitoring activity carried out over two years, for the cadaster project implemented by ANCPI in the Romania’s rural area: Increasing the level of geographical coverage and registration of properties in rural areas in the Integrated Cadaster System and the Land Registry. [1] During this period, were monitored the activities of planning the project and the development of files for public procurement of cadastral systematic registration services at the level of 194 communes in 36 counties. In the same time, TI-Romania and IPP expressed opinions on the compliance with the applicable legislation, ethical rules and standards of integrity and recommendations of the public procurement procedure. The two entities expressed also proposals for improvement of the processes.

  • Launching the first independent monitoring report of the E-cultura project

    Transparency International Romania and the Institute for Public Policy published today 25th of June 2019 the first independent monitoring report based on the Integrity Pact signed with the Ministry of Culture and National Identity (MCNI).

    Transparency International Romania and the Institute for Public Policy published today 25th of June 2019 the first independent monitoring report based on the Integrity Pact signed with the Ministry of Culture and National Identity (MCNI).

    The report presents the monitoring activity thought the Integrity Pact and its results for the project E-cultura. The digital library of Romania [1] and covers the full period from the start of the activity of monitoring (even before signing Memorandum of Cooperation on Integrity Pact), respectively from the summer of 2017, until March 31, 2019. The report takes into account all communications, documents and other information exchanged between MCIN, TI-Romania and IPP regarding the project financed by POC for digitization the mobile cultural heritage, in order to increase the accessibility at cultural resources for the general public, by improving the public services offered by the Ministry of Culture and National Identity by capitalizing on the potential of IT&C.

  • Integrity Pacts Workshop, Bruxelles

    On October 10 2019, within the European Week of Regions and Cities, took place the workshop “Civil society helping to bring ESIF closer to citizens”. In the foreground of the event was the project Integrity Pacts - civilian control mechanisms for safeguarding EU funds. The workshop was moderated by our colleague, Irina Lonean, Transparency International Romania’s project coordinator.

    Speakers included representatives of Managing Authority of the Region of Attica (Greece), Slovenian Ministry of Health, Transparency International Slovenia and National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration – ANCPI (Romania).
    The workshop created a proper framework for participants’ interactions, for the exchange of good practices obtained during the project implementation. The activity was also attended by representatives from the other countries that develop the Integrity Pacts project and who presented their perspectives and experiences on the proposed topics.

    The project Integrity Pacts - civilian control mechanisms for safeguarding EU funds aims to help reduce the corruption risks in public procurement by implementing a mechanism of civilian control in the projects financed by European funds. The project is coordinated by Transparency International Secretariat and is implemented in 11 EU countries, in partnership with civil society organizations.

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