• 37 recommendations that must be taken in account by the Ministry of Justice in the process of elaboration the next National Anticorruption Strategy

    Transparency International Romania released Wednesday, 10 of March 2021, an open letter addressed to Minister of Justice, containing 37 specific recommendations regarding the next National Anticorruption Strategy’ elaboration (SNA).

    Transparency International Romania supported the elaborating, implementing and monitoring processes of the National Anticorruption Strategy 2016-2020, being part of the cooperation platform of civil society coordinated by the Ministry of Justice. Also, based on the activities carried out, including here the interaction with public institutions and business sector, TI-Romania was able to do an objective analyze of the way in which the provisions of the SNA have been understood and applied in the last five years.


    Transparency International Romania | Asociaţia Română pentru Transparenţă cu sediul în Bd. Gral. Gheorghe Magheru nr. 28-30, etaj 3, sector 1, cod 10336, Bucureşti, înregistrată în Registrul asociaţiilor şi fundaţiilor sub nr 7/2004, cod fiscal RO12486550, date de contact tel: 0316606000, fax: 316606006, email: office@transparency.org.ro transmite invitaţia de participare la procedura de achiziție de servicii de publicitate pentru producerea și difuzarea online a două spoturi video animate în cadrul proiectului „Pactele de integritate – mecanisme de control civic pentru salvgardarea fondurilor UE. Faza II”, în cadrul căruia Transparency International Romania | Asociaţia Română pentru Transparenţă este partener cu Transparency International e.V. (Secretariat), proiect finanțat de Comisia Europeană prin DG REGIO.